Our Services: ADHD
ADHD Assessment
ADHD Assessment (Usually takes 3-4 hrs) £850
Medication Review/Titration (up to 30 minutes) £150
QB Check £150
What is involved in an assessment for ADHD?
A brief virtual appointment will be arranged to discuss the patients’ difficulties and to enable patients to see if they think Gavin is the right ‘fit’ for the assessment/treatment. This is important because the assessment process is very personal, therefore it is crucial patients feel safe and supported.
For children and adolescents: A ‘parent pack’ will be sent electronically. This enables us to gather as much background as possible about the patient and includes the relevant history, the difficulties and goals. Another pack is usually sent to the Childs teacher (or other informant) as this allows us to ascertain additional objective viewpoints. In both packs there are ADHD specific rating scales and free text boxes to elaborate on impairments. I will need to have both pre assessment packs returned before I can book the clinical interview.
For adults: Essentially the same as above, however, packs will be sent to the adult patient and a nominated informant who is ideally someone who has known the patient since childhood. The adult pack includes age and sex appropriate screening forms and rating scales.
QB Check: A QB Check is an unbiased continuous performance test that can be undertaken remotely i.e., at home on a PC or laptop in a quiet setting. The QB Check is age normed and takes 15 or 20 minutes depending on the patient’s age.
Developmental History: A recognised semi-structured interview is used to assess ADHD symptoms in more depth. This appointment can take place in person or virtually depending on your location and circumstances. This assessment can take 1-2hrs.
Feedback session and report: I will use the information gathered in the pre-assessment packs and the developmental history to arrive at a diagnostic outcome. Sometimes when the outcome is clear this feedback can be given on the same day, however, it is often an emotional experience receiving a diagnosis of ADHD for a child and adult and I am careful to give time to validate these feelings and to talk about the next steps depending on the goals. I aim to deliver the assessment report within a week.
What is involved in a medication review?
Medication reviews are scheduled for 30 minutes. The main points of the review are to ascertain how well the treatment is working, to discuss side effects and to decide whether the treatment is optimised. Following the review, a letter will be sent to the patients GP to update them on the progress of the treatment.
What is involved in a QB Check?
A QB Check is an unbiased continuous performance test that can be administered at home on a PC or laptop in a quiet setting. The QB Check is age and sex normed and takes 15 or 20 minutes depending on the patient’s age. Following the QB Check a brief report is written on the results whether the check is forming part of an assessment or as a stand-alone request.